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Islam was brought to Indonesia through the merchant? What is true? Or is it the way the orientalists who notebene want to destroy Islam to mask the history that Indonesia is part of the Caliphate?
The Theory Of Gujarat
Islam came to the archipelago brought traders from Gujarat, India, in the 14th century AD. According to the history books until now still a handbook for our students, from elementary through advanced levels up, even in some colleges.However, did you know that the theory of Gujarat is derived from a Netherlands origin who dedicated his entire life to destroy Islam? This orientalist named Snouck Hurgronje, who for the sake of achieving his goal, he learned the Arabic language very enterprising, claiming to be a Muslim, and even married a Muslim, the son of a prominent figure in his day.
Gujarat theory says that the process of the coming of Islam to Indonesia came from Gujarat in the 15th century the 7 H or 13th century m. Gujarat is situated in the West of India, near the Arabian Sea. The people who publish this theory are mostly scholars from the Netherlands. The first scholar who suggested this theory is j. Pijnapel of the University of Leiden in the 19th century. According to him, the Arabs Syafei had settled in Gujarat and Malabar since the beginning Hijriyyah (7th century AD), but the spread of Islam to Indonesia, according to the Pijnapel of the Arabs is not direct, but traders from Gujarat who had embraced Islam and traded to the East, including Indonesia.
In a further development, the theory of Pijnapel was approved and deployed by a leading Netherlands, Snouck Hurgronje. According to him, Islam had flourished in port cities the subcontinent of India. The people of Gujarat had earlier opened trade links with Indonesia compared with Arab traders. In Hurgronje, the arrival of the Arabs occurred during the next. The Arabs who came to this mostly is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad who uses the title of "Sayyid" or "mount" on in front of him.
The theory of Gujarat then also developed by J.P. Moquetta (1912) which gives the arguments with the headstones of Sultan Malik Al-Saleh who died on 17th Dzulhijjah 831 H/1297 M Maluku, Aceh. His tombstone at the grave of Pasai and Maulanan Malik Ibrahim who died in 1419 in Gresik, East Java, have the same shape with nisan in Kambay, Gujarat. Moquetta finally concludes that the headstones imported from Gujarat, or at least made by people of Gujarat or the people of Indonesia who have studied calligraphy typical of Gujarat. The other reason is the similarity in personal religious beliefs that Syafei sectarian Muslims in Gujarat and Indonesia.
The Theory Of Mecca
The theory of Mecca said that the process of the coming of Islam to Indonesia are directly from Mecca or Saudi. This process takes place in the first century of the Hijrah or the 7th century a.d. the people who introduced this theory is Haji Abdul Karim Amrullah or HAMKA, one of the scholars of Indonesia poets at once. This opinion suggests he was in 1958, when an oration delivered on the anniversary of Islamic State College (PTIN) in Yogyakarta. He rejects the whole assumption of Western scholars posited that Islam came to Indonesia not directly from Arabic. The argument was made of materials materials reference source is local Indonesia HAMKA and Arab sources. According to him, the initial motivation of the arrival of the Arabs is not grounded by the value of economic value, but rather is driven by the motivation of the spirit of the spread of Islam. In view of the trade route between Hamka, Indonesia with Arabic has been going on long before the date of the ad.In the literature of ancient Chinese origin, Arabs referred to as people Ta-Shih, moderate Believers called as Tan mi ni mo '. It is said that Ambassador Tan mi ni mo ', Envoy of the Caliph, has been present in Indonesia in the year 651 Ce or 31 Hijri and tells that they have established Even Islamiyah with three-time has changed its leadership.
Thus, the ambassadors of Muslims came to the Indies in Islamic enclaves on the coast of Sumatra at the time of the leadership of Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan Rodhiyallohu ' anhu (644-656 M). Just twenty years after the Prophet's death (632 M).
In this case, the theory is a Theory against Disclaimer HAMKA Gujarat that many shortcomings. He was even suspicious of the prejudices of the western orientalist writers tend to be cornered Islam in Indonesia. Western writer, said HE was, doing a very systematic attempt to eliminate beliefs Malay about spiritual relations cordial between them and Arab lands as the primary source of Islam in Indonesia in the studied religion. In view of HAMKA, Islamic people
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