Make no mistake, a number of health problems is considered a sign of type 2 diabetes. |
There are 17 myths and facts that circulate about diabetes that makes the condition is not considered a serious disease that can cause death. These myths create a picture of diabetes are less precise and full of stereotypes / stigma.
Diabetes expert Prof Dr Supreme Pranoto, dr., MSc., SpPD-KEMD, FINASIM said, the main challenge of diabetes disease control is early detection, prevention, and proper governance in a society still have to be improved.
"Education is an ongoing activity that should always be done in order to provide continuous information to the public will be diabetes," said Specialist Hospital Surabaya Dharmo Region Central Jakarta, Monday (24/08/2015)
The following facts and myths:
Myth 1: Diabetes is not a serious illness
Fact: When handled properly, diabetes will not cause dangerous complications
Myth 2: If we are overweight or have a body weight above the average body mass index 25-29.9
Fact: Obesity is a risk factor for this disease, but there are also other risk factors that can damage organs such as the eyes, heart, circulatory, nervous system, teeth and gums, feet and skin, or kidneys. But in fact, diabetes causes more deaths than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Two out of three people with diabetes die from heart attack or stroke. Definitely will eventually develop type 2 diabetes should be taken into account such as heredity, ethnicity, and age. Unfortunately many people rule out other risk factors that and just focus on obesity alone. When in fact the majority of obese people do not develop type 2 diabetes, and many people with type 2 diabetes have normal weight or only slightly overweight.
Myth 3: Eating too much sugar can cause diabetes
Fact: The answer is not that simple. High blood sugar in patients with type 1 diabetes is caused by lack of insulin. And this is yet unknown genetic factors why. While type 2 diabetes is caused by many risk factors: obesity, heredity, ethnicity, and age.
Myth 4: People with diabetes can only eat special foods for diabetes
Fact: A healthy diet for diabetics is basically the same as for any healthy diet - low in saturated fat, salt and sugar are not excessive, protein lean meats, vegetables, grains, and fruits. Specialty foods diabetes generally does not provide more benefits, keep improving blood sugar, and even in fact often more expensive.
Myth 5: People with diabetes can only eat few carbohydrates such as bread, corn and pasta
Fact: Carbohydrates are also part of a healthy diet. The key is in the eating.
Myth 6: People with diabetes can not eat sweets or chocolate
Fact: If consumed as part of a healthy diet combined with exercise and then do not go overboard. Select the appropriate amount of carbohydrate metabolic needs of the body. Candy and chocolate can be enjoyed by diabetics. There is no difference on what can / not be consumed by diabetics and healthy people. The key is the portion, so as not excessive and not too often.
Myth 7: Diabetes can be transmitted
Fact: Diabetes is not a contagious disease, but rather to diseases associated with genetic.
Myth 8: People with diabetes are more susceptible to flu or other diseases
Fact: People with diabetes do not become sick more easily. However, people with diabetes are encouraged to change lifestyle, especially for type 2 diabetes.
Myth 9: People with type 2 diabetes who use insulin is recommended that patients failing
Fact: For most people, type 2 diabetes is a disease that develops progressively. Any disease can make diabetes more difficult to control, and diabetics who get the flu can lead to more serious complications. When first diagnosed may have their blood sugar levels can be controlled with oral medication. But over time, the body will produce less insulin so that eventually oral treatment is no longer enough. The use of insulin to achieve a healthy blood sugar level is a good thing, and not something worse.
Myth 10: Fruit is a healthy food, so good to eat as much
Fact: Fruits are healthy foods that contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. But fruits also contain carbohydrates, so consumption should be considered as part of a healthy diet. You should consult with a nutritionist about how much, often, or the type of fruit that can be eaten.
Myth 11: Diabetes can only be suffered by people who are elderly
Fact: WRONG! Diabetics can be any age as well.
Myth 12: Diabetes is not a deadly disease
Fact: WRONG! Diabetes is one of the diseases that lead to death around the world, competing with HIV / AIDS as a cause of death. The disease kills more than 4 million people every year. Every 7 seconds, one person died from diseases related to diabetes.
Myth 13: Diabetes mostly affects men
Fact: WRONG! Diabetes can occur in men and women, and even increased its presence in women. Today the number of people with diabetes in young people is increasing and threaten to reduce the population of backward tribes.
Myth 14: Diabetes can not be prevented
Fact: WRONG! Up to 80 percent of type 2 diabetes is preventable by changing diet.
Myth 15: Diabetes only affects rich countries
Fact: WRONG! Diabetes overwrite all populations indiscriminately income levels.
Myth 16: Diabetes is not expensive
Fact: WRONG! Diabetes treatment is expensive and has the potential to overload the health care system.
Myth 17: Prevention of diabetes is too expensive
Fact: WRONG! Many interventions are not expensive and cost-effective. It has been proven that increasing physical activity, and improve the environment in which we live. The increase occurred in general in all the countries. Improve the environment in which we live, changing diet and increasing physical activity can reduce the number of people with diabetes.
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