The women who worries his skin wrinkled, spotty, dark spots or not should always sported a chemical treatment to singkirkannya. Simply use the leaves of the jaumbu seed to overcome it. There are several benefits of guava leaves for beauty women like written Health as follows:
1. The opponents of wrinkles
Guava has an extremely potent antioxidant character as well as the research found this much stronger leaf nature freely radikalnya on appeal his men. As a result, the leaf is perfect to avoid wrinkles. Beyond that, the leaves of the guava also contains compounds that help the skin to reduce the onset of wrinkles.
2. Get rid of acne
According to research published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, the leaves of the guava has an antibacterial character is very efficient on the bacteria that cause acne. Outside of that, this research found guava leaf also has the character of a bitter taste which helps soothe the skin and reduce the incidence of acne.
3. Obati atopic dermatitis
Guava leaves also have antialergi which helps avoid the production of histamine (a compound in the production of the body against foreign substances that cause inflammation and formation of allergy signs) in the body. Here's his argument why the leaves of guava is very good for helping cure patients suffering from atopic dermatitis. Outside of that, it leaves a bitter taste has a character that can help reduce the redness and itching due to atopic dermatitis.
4. Ease black spots and Red
Daun guavas can help get rid of the stain, black as well as red spots on the face. This leaves contain ingredients that don't just help reduce inflammation and kill the bacteria, but also helped ease the stain also acts as an agent with toning, How To Use
Take some leaves seeds. If you wear it for treating atopic dermatitis, take some dry leaves. Then immerse the leaves as well as imbuhkan into the boiling water.
Let the leaves in boiling water until turning brownish and looks so concentrated. Chill the solution and use a cotton ball to DAB on face-dioles or space that want to be treated.
Give in detail in advance and let it be all about 15 minutes then wipe your face with water. Do this 2 x a week for an efficient result. In the matter of atopic dermatitis, crush the leaves dry and add to the warm water. Soaking in water to help relieve itching and redness, which ultimately helps relieve the discomfort you feel.
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